Body Balancing with Karissa Tranel

About Karissa

Body Balancing with Karissa Tranel

Karissa Tranel is a Registered Nurse, wife, and mother to three beautiful children. She works in both in-hospital and out-of-hospital settings specializing in labor, delivery, and postpartum care. Karissa has had both in-hospital (including two cesareans) and out-of-hospital births. Her last child was a vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) with Trillium Midwifery. A result of her journey in preparing for her VBAC, Karissa became a certified Dynamic Body Balancing Facilitator and Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner. Karissa is continuously expanding her skills and mindset through continuous learning opportunities.

What is Craniosacral Therapy?

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a light-touch therapy that address restrictions in the craniosacral system (the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord). This vital system extends from the bones of the skull, face, and mouth, which make up the cranium and extends down to the sacrum.

Since this vital system influences the development and performance of the brain and spinal cord, an imbalance or restriction in it could potentially cause any number of sensory, motor, or neurological disabilities.

CST is a gentle method of detection and correction that compliments your own natural healing process to dissipate the negative effects of stress on your central nervous system and brings your body into greater balance. With improved balance in the tissues, the body is better able to focus its energy on living a vibrant life instead of struggling to get through another day.

What is Myofascial Bodywork and Dynamic Body Balancing?

Dynamic Body Balancing (DBB) is a craniosacral and myofascial technique focusing on addressing areas of imbalance in all parts of the body, from the cranium to the lower extremities. This includes myofascial release of the feet, legs, arms, pelvis, respiratory diaphragm, thoracic diaphragm, cranium, spinal canal, mouth, face, etc. You will be in motion throughout your session and encouraged to tune into your breath and follow your body to assist areas of restriction to unwind.

What is Fascia?

What is Fascia?

Fascia is a thin casing of connective tissue that surrounds and holds every organ, blood vessel, bone, nerve fiber and muscle in place. This tissue not only provides internal structure but the fascia has nerves that make it almost as sensitive as skin.

Individual experiences, emotions, traumas, and interactions all carry energy. When energy is trapped within the body, it causes imbalances causing physical and/or emotional discomfort. Unwinding of the fascia can release molecules of emotion while also restoring balance, promote equilibrium to all systems of the body, and help normalize spinal fluid circulation. The manipulation and stimulation of the bones and tissues in the head and lower back can greatly improve the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.

Body Balancing is Beneficial

These techniques have been shown to relieve a full spectrum of pain, illness, and dysfunction including:

  • ADD, ADHD, or learning disabilities
  • Concussions, whiplash, sports injuries
  • Insomnia
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Brain and spine problems
  • Cranial distortions
  • Chronic pain
  • Bowel troubles
  • Central nervous system disorders, depression, anxiety
  • Motor-coordination impairments
  • TMJ dysfunction/discomfort
  • Eye difficulties
  • Many other health challenges

Body Balancing has many benefits for little ones as well.

  • Helps relieve stress from discomforts in-utero
  • What is Fascia?
  • Birth trauma (such as issues from a cesarean section, shoulder dystocia, vacuum, forceps, or provider manipulating baby’s head upon delivery)
  • Breastfeeding difficulties
  • Constipation, gastrointestinal discomfort, and frequently spitting up
  • Colic
  • Not sleeping well
  • Teething pain
  • Head shape issues
  • Tethered oral tissues (tongue, lip, and cheek ties). Tethered oral tissues in babies often points to muscle and tissue restrictions elsewhere in the body, like the upper neck, jaw, sacrum or head
  • Earaches, frequent ear infections
  • Developmental delays
  • Hyperactivity disorders
  • Food sensitives

...AND is Especially Helpful in Pregnancy!

What is Fascia?

Karissa is excited to be a Spinning Babies® Aware Practitioner (SpBAP). Her goal is to illuminate the journey and transformation of becoming a mother and parents. Karissa holds the belief that you possess inner wisdom around birth. She will gently encourage you to slow down, tune in, and listen to your body and your baby. It is important to take time to bond with your baby and appreciate your beautiful pregnant body in its wisdom of creating life.

Karissa is trained to help restore balance in the pregnant woman's body which in turn helps make room for baby to get into a comfortable position. Body balancing will help promote comfort for you, comfort for baby, help prevent back labor, stop premature contractions, make room in your uterus to help a breech or transverse baby turn and flex in an optimal position, and help your body's innate ability to have a natural and positive labor and delivery. There is much benefit in preparing your birth team, your birth space, your body, and your mind for the special day you meet your little one. Karissa is here to help you on your journey during this very special transition in your life.

Karissa is here to help you have a Better LIFE and BIRTH with Body Balancing!

Make an Appointment today!

Call/text: 608-412-1883

Appointments are held at either of Trillium's locations in Boscobel or Prairie du Chien.

Sacred Heart Sonography

After all appointments Karissa will gently encourage you to nourish your body with the Seven Principles of Health.

  • Fresh Air
  • Clean Water and Food
  • Sunshine
  • Exercise
  • Trust in Nature
  • Relationships
  • Passion


Body Balancing with Karissa Tranel and Trillium Midwifery Services are separate entities. Body Balancing Services and Products offered with Karissa Tranel are not products or services of Trillium Midwifery Services.

Trillium Midwifery Services offers affordable and quality pregnancy care,
culminating in natural, peaceful births, and healthy moms and babies.
Contact us for a free consult visit.